tufte wear

Celebrity Farmen 2024

Tufte is a proud supplier of clothing for Farmen celebrity 2024! The participants wear clothes from Tufte throughout their stay and our clothes really get tested to the limit through exciting competitions and hard weekly assignments that involve physically tough tasks over long days in all kinds of weather. Everything from woolen underwear, trousers, jackets, sweaters and T-shirts really gets to see what they are good for year after year in the hard life of the farm.

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Tufte clothes for women

Here you will find all our tufted clothes from this year's Farmen season. You will find everything from soft underwear to comfortable T-shirts, warm wool jumpers and hiking trousers. With us you will find everything you need for an active lifestyle indoors and outdoors, for all seasons. Tufte produces comfortable clothes in a more sustainable way - good for you and good for the environment!